locations variable is undefined in mergeDestructively() in merge.py

Issue #967 resolved
Suttisak Denduangchai created an issue

locations variable which is used at line 315 is undefined in mergeDestrictively(). This will throw an error when I try to merge geograft with geograft (ex Full Monty BBQ and Futalicious).

I see that the locations variable is defined as a local variable in mergeGeograft()

As a workaround, I add optional argument to mergeDestrictively(…,locations=None) and change the call site to be

But I think you should fix this in the next commit

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. Since geometry node merging is not implemented for hierarchal geografts (Full Monty BBQ > Futalicious > G8F), I also added a error if that is attempted.

  2. Suttisak Denduangchai reporter

    Thanks for your fix, I also have a suggestion on how to use geometry nodes in merging hierarchical geografts in Issue #970.

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