Suggestion to add drivers while transferring morphs

Issue #97 closed
thisis sparta created an issue

When morphs are transferred from mesh A to mesh B it would be handy to have the morphs of mesh A drive the transferred morphs on mesh B. For example, when transferring body morphs to clothing it is useful if the morphs on the clothing are driven by the morphs on the body so that clothing shapes always adjusts to body shape. Such behavior may not be wanted in all cases so maybe make it optional.

Comments (6)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    The supposed workflow is to first merge armatures then transfer correctives. This way you get the outfit to follow the figure deformations including correctives.

    Unless you’re talking about a shape shifting character that is. In that case I don’t know if blender would fit since the armature will not shape shift with the character. This is a rather unique feature in the genesis platform.

  2. thisis sparta reporter

    I know about correctives, but what I mean is:

    For example if I import a morph to make the character fat, then I transfer that morph from the character to its clothes using ‘Transfer Other Morphs’ button. Now the character mesh has a ‘Fat’ morph and the clothing has a ‘Fat’ morph. I have to change the morph slider on the clothing too whenever the morph on the character is changed, so that clothing fits. To make it easy, I make the fat morph on the character a driver for the fat morph on the clothing, so they both change in sync and clothing always fits. But I have to make the driver manually for all clothing items.

    I suggest to make the transferred morph be driven by the same morph on the original mesh.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes that's the shape shifting character I was talking about. Then for minor changes in the figure may be the bones does not change, but for the general case a shape shifting character gets the bones to autofit in daz studio that’s not possible in blender. That’s also why actor morphs are usually baked in the dbz.

  4. thisis sparta reporter

    It can be done if the drivers are made as I outlined above, I have always done it and it works. But making drivers for each clothing item becomes tedious manually that’s why I suggest to make it part of the importer.

  5. engetudouiti

    Hi thisis sparta

    I understand what you means, but when you import actor body morph from add on UI, (import custom morphs)

    it will add controller for actor rig (not add custom prop for body mesh, but add custom prop for rig which currently parent of the clothing)

    then when transfer morph from Body to clothing A etc by transfer other morphs, you have option, to transfer driver. then all driver will be generated for each mesh.

    So when you change value of morph, with select rig (in custom morphs), it may auto change shape keys of all clothing when they have same name shape keys.

    Of course when you change rig etc, (eg import rig from another scene, then re-attach clothing, )

    those driver may corrupt, then you need to use advance options,

    but basically transfer morphs ,transfer driver too.

    I do not remember, when import mesh without rig,then import morph, this plug in add driver for mesh or not..

    and if the mesh is parented by rig (eg prop etc)I do not clear remember, how plug in work. when transfer morph. eg hat parented by rig, then transfer morph from body to hat.(non armature modifier)

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