How to have a low poly mesh with morph/shapekeys that works.

Issue #984 closed
bouich jules created an issue


i just want to share with you thomas this small trick, that i do.

when you have a lot of shapekeys it’s literally impossible to animate the only way is to create a low poly mesh ( but for low poly mesh you need to apply morph and shapekey which is not cool)

so i create 2 mesh , one normal with all the shapekey ( that is impossible to animate because of low fps) , and one low poly will give high fps but no morph or shapekey.

i download the plugin Mesh Data Transfer for Blender (

then i transfer the shapekey from the normal mesh to the low poly , then i go to the plugin click on my low poly and click on “ morph” then “ create shapekey driver” it will create them for my low poly!

and i will have a low poly with all my morphs and shapekey working , which is really cool!

Anyway just sharing.

Thank you

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