Export of the same bone hierarchy as in DAZ

Issue #99 closed
Franek Zimny created an issue

Is it possible to export the same bone hierarchy as in DAZ right now? I have additional joint bones in my model and after export they are gone. If not, that would be very useful feature.

Comments (3)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    For what I know the plugin is not limited to daz rigs it should import whatever is in the scene including customized rigs. If you merge armatures be sure to check for layer three that’s where the extra bones are. The layer checkbox doesn’t appear and this is a bug but the bones are there.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    As Alessandro say, if the bone is in the daz file, it should appear in Blender as well. There is nothing special about the Genesis characters.

    And finally the layer checkbox is there after merging.

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