Genesis 3 Toes Broken with Rigify

Issue #993 resolved
Midnight Arrow created an issue

Blender 3.0, Diffeomorphic v1.6.2.0981

When importing a Genesis 3 figure and using the heel control the toes are rotated in the opposite direction.

I am using Blender 3.0 because of the other Rigify bug in 3.1, #952.

Genesis 8 doesn’t have this issue.

Comments (6)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    This is fixed with 73ad39f together with #1066.

    Please note that excessive rotation of the heel control will cause the feet to break. This is the same in daz studio if we turn off limits for the “left toes“ and “right toes“ bones though, so it’s an issue with the daz figures. The picture below is without subdivision, using subdivision the break is less noticeable.

    I don’t know if there’s a parameter in the metarig to limit the heel control. Also the rotation constraints in blender are notorious for not working fine aka causing flipping when going outside the limits. Please @Thomas let us know if you believe there’s any fix for this.

    Then if @Midnight has nothing to add we may mark as resolved.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This has never worked well, I think. The problem with G3 and G8 is that the foot isn’t cleanly split into a foot and a toe part, since the metatarsals bone is a bit of both. In the last commit the metatarsals bone is kept in rigify (on the Customs layer, like the toes), just as it is in mhx. There is a constraint that rotates the individual toes with the big toe bone. This doesn’t work perfectly and you may have to tweak both the toe and metatarsals bone, but the worst deformation can be avoided.

    The code change also affects the mhx rig. I think nothing really changed, but one may check that #1066 is still ok.

    The Merge Toes tool now also keeps the metatarsals bone. Unless you need to pose individual toes, the best option may be to merge the toes before converting to rigify.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    As for commit 54ff8b9, I see you “fixed” the issue by breaking the foot controls. In my opinion it would be better to reverse to the previous commit.

    That is, now both the heel and toes controls move the whole foot that’s not what these controls are for. Again as I see it the geometry break is an issue with the daz rig itself that happens in daz studio too if we remove the toe limits, so this can’t be fixed, but it’s less noticeable with subdivision so we may be happy with that.

    That said, please Thomas let us know if you prefer to have the broken controls rather than the broken geometry, so in this case it will be a “known limitation“ and we may mark as resolved. If @Midnight has nothing to add.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I reverted most of the recent changes, so now the controls work. What I kept was the metatarsal bones on the Custom layer. The geometry can be improved by tweaking those bones once the foot pose is set.

    Actually, I don’t prefer anything, since I use mhx myself.

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