Multiple issues with "vertical" forms

Issue #16 resolved
ekerazha created an issue

ISSUE 1 (missing labels):

If I set the form layout to


field labels are shown. But if I don't set any layout (because I want a vertical layout), there's no label above the fields.

ISSUE 2 (form-vertical doesn't exist):

If I set the form layout to


it adds the "form-vertical" class which doesn't exist in Bootstrap. Moreover, labels are always on the side (like in the HORIZONTAL layout) instead of being above the fields.

Comments (2)

  1. Pascal Brewing repo owner

    resolve #16 ISSUE 1 (missing labels): If I set the form layout to

    'layout' => BSHtml::FORM_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL

    field labels are shown. But if I don't set any layout (because I want a vertical layout), there's no label above the fields.

    ISSUE 2 (form-vertical doesn't exist):

    If I set the form layout to

    'layout' => BSHtml::FORM_LAYOUT_VERTICAL

    it adds the "form-vertical" class which doesn't exist in Bootstrap. Moreover, labels are always on the side (like in the HORIZONTAL layout) instead of being above the fields.

    → <<cset 0addcf406d96>>

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