Missing DetailView component (extending CDetailView)

Issue #18 resolved
ekerazha created an issue

There's no DetailView component (BsDetailView?) which extends zii.widgets.CDetailView

Comments (4)

  1. Илья Амелевич

    Create file BsDetailView.php in widgets folder with this code:

     *## BsDetailView class file.
     * @author Christoffer Niska <ChristofferNiska@gmail.com>
     * @copyright Copyright &copy; Christoffer Niska 2011-
     * @license [New BSD License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
    class BsDetailView extends CDetailView
        // Table types.
        const TYPE_STRIPED = 'striped';
        const TYPE_BORDERED = 'bordered';
        const TYPE_CONDENSED = 'condensed';
         * @var string|array the table type.
         * Valid values are 'striped', 'bordered' and/or 'condensed'.
        public $type = array(self::TYPE_STRIPED, self::TYPE_CONDENSED);
         * @var string the URL of the CSS file used by this detail view.
         * Defaults to false, meaning that no CSS will be included.
        public $cssFile = false;
         *### .init()
         * Initializes the widget.
        public function init()
            $classes = array('table');
            if (isset($this->type)) 
                if (is_string($this->type)) 
                    $this->type = explode(' ', $this->type);
                $validTypes = array(self::TYPE_STRIPED, self::TYPE_BORDERED, self::TYPE_CONDENSED);
                if (!empty($this->type)) 
                    foreach ($this->type as $type) 
                        if (in_array($type, $validTypes)) 
                            $classes[] = 'table-' . $type;
            if (!empty($classes)) 
                $classes = implode(' ', $classes);
                if (isset($this->htmlOptions['class'])) 
                    $this->htmlOptions['class'] .= ' ' . $classes;
                    $this->htmlOptions['class'] = $classes;
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