Impossible to extend BsHtml class

Issue #59 resolved
Dmitrijs Goroščuks created an issue

All method calls are made through "self" and that's make impossible to extend this widget. Maybe replace "self" method calls with "static"?

Comments (13)

  1. Zeqiu Wu

    May I ask if there's any progress for this issue? It's really painful when I found out it's impossible to extend BsHtml...and @dmitrijsg any ideas?

  2. Dmitrijs Goroščuks reporter

    No progress. As you can see, there nothing is done since 2015-01-22. So you probably should not use this module at all.

  3. Zeqiu Wu

    @DrMabuse Thanks for your reply!

    Yes I would definitely choose Yii2 for my own project but here I am developing (or say, maintaining) on an old project which use Yii 1.1 and deeply depend on this module so I only had to find a solution without changing framework version or using another module.

    If this project is already deprecated, hack the source code may not be a crime lol.

  4. Zeqiu Wu

    @dmitrijsg I've noticed that you've done the code but didn't sent pull request to this repo, do you mind do it again?

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