Added inlineRadioButtonListControlGroup please

Issue #35 resolved
Muhammad Cahya created an issue

does not exist inlineRadioButtonListControlGroup like inlineCheckBoxListControlGroup ? Or it's exist, and how to implement ?


Comments (5)

  1. Алишер Сафаров
    <?php echo $form->radioButtonList($model, 'term', array(
    ), array(
    )); ?>
  2. Muhammad Cahya reporter

    Thanks Alisher Safarov, 2 question again,

    1. How to added Control Label like example above, for your example how to show control-label 'term' ?

    2. How to custom label or value for this input, for example the value is '1', and the option label is 'Term Option 1', not '1','2','3' label

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