No Validation states on CCaptcha, Checkboxes and radios

Issue #36 resolved
Muhammad Cahya created an issue


Comments (11)

  1. Pascal Brewing repo owner

    Iam on it but this not a 5min task you have to wait sorry.... but iam on it start last night give me three -four days

  2. Muhammad Cahya reporter

    Oo, I'm so sorry for this I am very grateful for the module/extension that you share with others, it is very helpful for me, for all But I dont mean to make you push or busy


  3. Muhammad Cahya reporter

    Sorry, for all checkbox and radioButtonControlGroup been running well, Thanks But for radioButtonListControlGroup still does not provide validation error and inlineRadioButtonList still not bring up the label / control-label Have I made a mistake in coding structure ?

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