$this->widgets doesn't loads

Issue #45 resolved
Benas Paulikas created an issue

Following code breaks code and doesn't output anything..

$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.BsBreadCrumb', array( 'links' => array( 'Library' ), // will change the container to ul 'tagName' => 'ul', // will generate the clickable breadcrumb links 'activeLinkTemplate' => '<li><a href="{url}">{label}</a></li>', // will generate the current page url : <li>News</li> 'inactiveLinkTemplate' => '<li>{label}</li>', // will generate your homeurl item : <li><a href="/dr/dr/public_html/">Home</a></li> 'homeLink' => BsHtml::openTag('li') . BsHtml::icon(BsHtml::GLYPHICON_HOME) . BsHtml::closeTag('li') ));

Comments (5)

  1. Benas Paulikas reporter



    echo BsHtml::code(BsHtml::italics('Sample text here...')); ?> doesn't work... You have made wrong instructions about config file.. i've added all these

    <?php 'aliases' => array( 'bootstrap' => 'ext.bootstrap', ), 'import'=>array( ... 'bootstrap.behaviors.', 'bootstrap.helpers.', 'bootstrap.widgets.*' ), 'modules' => array( ... 'gii' => array( ... 'generatorPaths' => array('bootstrap.gii'), ), ), 'components' => array( ... 'bootstrap' => array( 'class' => 'bootstrap.components.BsApi' ), )

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