Commute Together App issue

Issue #23 resolved
Don Wiley created an issue

Good Afternoon, I have a new user trying to download the commute together app but he keeps receiving an error stating This app isn't available for your device because it was made for an older version of Android. Is there an update coming soon that will fix this? I have over 40 riders using this app and it is huge help coordinating our schedules.

Comments (16)

  1. Drew Brasher repo owner

    I will look into this. This is the first report I have gotten of this happening. Do you know what version of android he is using?

  2. Fernnando Perez

    Good afternoon, I’m the member Don is talking about. I cannot access the app from the play store with my android Galaxy S22+ running android v. 13. I asked my wife to download on her Galaxy S23 and no joy either. Request any advise possible. Thanks.

  3. Drew Brasher repo owner

    I’m working on updating the app so that it will work with Android 13. I hope to have it done next week. Thanks for letting me know about the issue.

  4. Fernnando Perez

    Thanks Drew, appreciate the help. Could you post your update next week so i know when to try it again? Thanks.

  5. Drew Brasher repo owner

    I just noticed that my phone is also on Android 13 and it works so I'm looking into the cause of the issue. Could you take a screenshot of the message you get and send it to me at

  6. Drew Brasher repo owner

    I am making progress on the web based version of the app. Once that is ready you will be able to use it on any device. I think it will be another week before it is ready to use. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

  7. Drew Brasher repo owner

    I should have the ride scheduling part of the web app functional by the end of day tomorrow and will post a link for you to try it.

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