Add ZeroMQ as network protocol

Issue #2 new
Antonin Blot created an issue

OpenEphys GUI uses the ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol (ZMTP) to receive/send network event. It would nice to add that option on top of TCP/UDP.

That shouldn't be too hard, according from the example code found here:

Comments (4)

  1. Dylan Muir repo owner

    I suggest adapting StartStimulusServer to change the bUseTCP argument to select whether UDP, TCP or ZMQ is used.

  2. Antonin Blot reporter

    And duplicating the argument to set which protocol to use for the server and the talkback client independently? For now I use stim server with tcp but talk back to openephys with zeroMQ. I can easily switch both to zeroMQ (as my command "client" consist in 3 lines of code) if you think allowing to mix protocols for sending and receiving is a bad idea

  3. Dylan Muir repo owner

    Well, it’s simpler if command and talkback channels use the same protocol. Or we could specify channel URLs: “udp://” or “tcp://” or “zmq://”

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