Structure is not fully placed in water(ship)

Issue #190 resolved
Marcel Haßlinger created an issue

Plugin version: 7.2.26

Spigot username: sWeedyPie

Issue: I want to create a custom structure in the water(e.g. ship), but the part in water is empty or not fully placed.

World config has not been changed only biome config for Ocean

Maybe its just an configuration issue. I tried different config settings(like blocksRequiredUnderneath, spawnOnGround, overrideExsistingBlocks and replaceAir

Here are some pictures:

Comments (1)

  1. minelazz

    Change "anchorYOffset" to eg -5.

    Seems like you forgot to think of this went you created the structure. The location you set when you create the structure is the center of the objected that is where the structure will be generated from as a reference point.

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