Failed to generate native biome; NPE

Issue #225 new
cakoyo created an issue

Plugin version: ### 7.2.28

Spigot username: ### caowenkang1


(Sorry for my bad English, because it's not my native language)

I used 'Vanilla Enchanted' configuration for my server, but from testing I found that is less 'vanilla'(only few vanilla biome) so I made some custom vanilla biomes(vanilla dark forest, ice flats, sunflower plains, etc.) to let it more 'vanilla', I made the biomes by coping and modifing the pre-made vanilla biome from 'Vanilla Enchanted' configuration (all native-biome name from here)

All of them works fine at first, but a few weeks later EWG crashed when generating some areas(restart server is useless, only some particular areas triggering the crash).

Since it's a production server, I could only workaround this by replacing the custom biomes by default EWG biomes(json), hmmmm it's badly off btw, not only my custom biomes but also the pre-made biomes in 'Vanilla Enchanted' crashed when generating, so I don't think it's a configuration fault


some of my custom vanilla biomes(they are similar too): (I have enabled 'TUNDRA')

some of the crashes(they are all similar):

I also tried EWG v7.2.29 but no helps

What's going wrong? any help would be appreciate!

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