/ewg createworld error

Issue #234 new
Archivec created an issue

Plugin version: 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT, BETA-3

Spigot username: <SX_SparkleSXD>

Issue: <I just downloaded the plugin today from the official page on spigot, I tried to use /ewg createworld but it didn't respond at all. Nothing logged in the console except for me typing the command. I'm using spigot 1.12, and I'm trying to use this plugin to generate the pre-made factions world. Can someone please help me with this?>

Link to settings file (https://pastebin.com/xErFjxtJ>

Link to error log/crash log: <There is no errors that logged>

Comments (4)

  1. Alex Mercer

    I'm just spit balling here, but I think he removed the command or he has not added it back yet.

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