Major issue making the whole server crash when one of the players connect

Issue #244 new
Norsee created an issue

Spigot username: Norsee

I'm using the plugin's latest official release (Support 1.12-pre-release 2). Not the beta updates.

Issue When one of my players connect to my server the server crashes. He says the chunks are not loading for him and there's only a black screen. I tested with another player, allowing only me and him stay online for 5 minutes. The server did not crash. Immediately when he connects the server crashes. I also tried to tp him to me, as well as making his "last position" to spawn, where I was standing. I the issue happened when the server was running the latest version of 1.12. I also tried to update the server to 1.12.1 without luck.

I'm using MCProhosting as my server host if this helps. I edit the server files through FileZilla.

settings.json: world-settings.json: Crash report (1): Crash report (2):

The plugin generates two crash reports on crash, which I don't know why.

Comments (2)

  1. Joshua Knight

    Hey Norsee! I'm not a master of EpicWorldGenerator, but if you believe the Volcano is the cause of your server crashing, you should definitely try stopping your server, going to "(your_world)/settings/biomes/default/Volcano.json" and changing

    "enabled": true, to "enabled": false,

    After changing that, delete everything in your world's folder except for "(your_world"/settings" and start your server back up. Beware, this WILL completely restart your world. This may not be your solution, but it's definitely worth a try considering the information you were given by a player.

    Do remember, the BETA versions of 8.0.0 are NOT for production use, so use them at your own risk.

    Hope this helps!

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