Fatal error while generating the world: The coordinate is out of range

Issue #254 resolved
Philéas created an issue


This is my first time I post here, so first I would like to thank you for your incredible job. We really appreciate this plugin and love it, like really.

Plugin version: 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Spigot username: wedza

Issue: I have this issue happening since a few days ago, I don't know if this is happening after an update. Every time a player connects, this happens: https://pastebin.com/39yzeieX and the servers stops instantly. So, basicly, when I open my server, every time a users connects, it shuts down...

Link to settings file (world-settings.json, possibly also biome settings if you have created your own): This is all the default settings, nothing changed

Link to error log/crash log: https://pastebin.com/39yzeieX

Thanks, very much

Comments (9)

  1. Philéas reporter

    When I download the plugin on spigot, it downloads the 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT. Isn't it the last one ? Where's the link to download the lastest version ?

  2. Philéas reporter

    Found it ! It was a multiverse misconfiguration, that won't let EWG create a new world. Very strage, but resolved !

  3. Philéas reporter

    Found it ! It was a multiverse misconfiguration, that won't let EWG create a new world. Very strage, but resolved !

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