EWG crash world pre-generate

Issue #259 new
DarkBoomba created an issue


Plugin version: latest v8

Spigot username: DarkBoomba

I am trying to pre generate my world, after 40% it crashed. Now when I restarted the server it generates for a minute and crashes again, this is looped. I need help fast.. the un pre generated world is too hard on my tps.

This is the EWG crash report https://pastebin.com/DmHKqM6K

Comments (11)

  1. DarkBoomba reporter

    I'm unable to run a server smoothly with this.. Could you put the 1.12 officially unsuported message on the front page of spigot? I would have waited with purchasing it untill this was fixed. This will prevent others from having the same issue. Is there anything I can do myself to fix this? If you need any info on whatever to help you fix the issue, please let me know. I'll help where ever I can. I just need this fixed.

  2. Joshua Knight

    Hey DarkBoomba. If you want a completely stable build of EpicWorldGenerator, I would suggest staying away from the 8.0.0 BETA's and going back to something around 7.2.29. The 8.0.0 BETA's are not meant for production use and could break your worlds, both of which are stated while previewing the updates like so:

    WARNING! Please make sure to read the information below before downloading. Not production ready. Installing this version on a v7 generated world will create irreparable damage to your server.

    If you'd like to downgrade to a more stable version of EpicWorldGenerator, here is a link to the version released prior to the release of v8.0.0:


    I know this isn't the fix for your issue at its core, but I hope this helps!

  3. DarkBoomba reporter

    Would downgrading on a 50% generated world with v8 work? Will v7 work on 1.12.1 at all?

  4. Joshua Knight

    I'm not 100% sure with this answer, so you may want to do some researching of your own;

    I don't believe downgrading on a 50% generated world with v8 would work. You could regenerate a new world with v7, but if I remember correctly, pre-generation was not a feature in v7. Plus, I believe v7 has different generation methods than v8 does, so switching from one to the other not only could break the biomes and world-settings JSON's, but also cause an obvious version-generation transfer in your actual world.

    To my knowledge, EpicWorldGenerator fully supports versions 1.8.8 through 1.12. Because there were obfuscation changes between 1.12 and 1.12.1 by Mojang (and the fact that they kept the package names the same on both versions), there may be problems with your EWG trying to use 1.12 methods on a 1.12.1 server. If you're not opposed to the idea, I would suggest staying on 1.12 for the time being; 1.12.1's changes to Minecraft were two class optimizations, I believe, both of which never added (nor removed) playable content from the game. Players on 1.12.1 are able to join 1.12 servers, but not vise-versa.

    If your pre-generated world is of significance to you, I would suggest staying on 8.0.0, but be ready for constant bugs and breaks! If you're comfortable with not being on a pre-generated world and starting anew, I would definitely jump to the most recent stable v7 of EWG.

  5. DarkBoomba reporter

    I already did 3 world resets so I can't do that to my players again. When v8 gets developed more, this world will still be supported right? Generated with the v8 beta. Is there any idea when this will be btw?

    Anyway thanks for your detailed answers.

    Edit: For others that would try this out. Switching to v7 from v8 with the same world does not work.

  6. Joshua Knight

    Unless there are changes to the way the world generates in the EWG plugin, the generator will remain the same, thus the world will generate flush and evenly. If the generator DOES change, the worst I can see happening is a fine line in your world where you can visually see the changes in generator types (compare this to how Minecraft worlds show fine lines in vanilla when you update your client to a version where changes were made to the way the world generates).

    As far as I'm aware, there is no set date on the release of a stable version 8 of EWG, though it's in active development.

    Also, if you're not already, I would recommend you making regular backups of your world. If you have chosen the option to use the v8.0.0 BETA version in your production server, I wouldn't doubt something happening to the world that could result in a complete world reset. If you take backups and you are unfortunate enough to encounter such an issue, you could always revert to your previous day's backup and pray the issue does not repeat itself!

  7. DarkBoomba reporter

    Okay sounds good thanks. I will stay on v8 for now. Is there anyway for me to contribute to like beta testing? What I'm actually doing now anyway.

    Again, thanks for your help.

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