Plugin returning INFO: null console spam

Issue #26 new
Ryan LaMay created an issue

Plugin version: v6.34 Issue: The plugin is performing some check at 2 minute intervals that spams the console with;

I have disabled plugins one by one and the console spam stopped when EWG was disabled. Your plugin loads correctly and the world seems to be working fine.

Here is the latest log returning null info.

Comments (6)

  1. Ryan LaMay reporter

    Send an link to to with the server jar or someone at spigot? I downloaded a new jar since I posted this report and we still have the same null message.

  2. Ryan LaMay reporter

    Sorry minelazz, I was replying on a cell phone. I had received an email that said it was from you. It read, "Could you please send a priveate message at spigot containing the jar you downloaded. It seems like an id is invalid inside of the jar."

    Anyway, I was not sure if you wanted me to private message you on your spigot account, or if i was supposed to email someone who develops spigot jars...glad you are working on it.. I absolutely love your world generator.

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