Terrible Problem with image-based generating

Issue #270 new
John White created an issue

Hello! I tried to generate map from image and so I have terrible problems.

  1. By some reason plugin changes "biomecolor" for custom biomes to default one (#00ff00) by some reason I can't know.

  2. Even default river (biome, with color) seems like don't work

  3. Seems like plugin does not see a difference between ocean and deep ocean (I gave it different colors, but it's still deep ocean everywhere)

  4. Seems like generation can't copy the image accuracy enough, you can see irregularities and angles not transferred to map, or it just should be bigger to make it possible?

  5. This strange mountains to 250+ high..

What I'm doing wrong? :(

All screenshots, settings and etc. you can find at that link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kfz729wtnjoljch/AABf4cv3ifKM3ICjelXIk4FTa?dl=0

P.S. By that way also I think would be nice to see ability to draw your own's rivers and lakes on the map

ADDED-09-27: Also I found crash reports in my server main folder. It also contain some errors about custom biomes, so here they are: https://www.dropbox.com/s/73efovf7e1trmx4/CrashReports.rar?dl=0

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