EWG And Selecting/Generating Specific Worlds

Issue #309 closed
Jay O created an issue

I feel like a plugin at this cost should have a simple world toggle option wether to blacklist/whitelist worlds to prevent it trying to overlap with other world generators people might be using.

The other world generators i use are free and have this simple feature. You could add it in a way that EWG is set to generate all worlds by default but for the tinkerers to have a blacklist area in settings to add world names etc

Im using 4 world generators at the moment on my survival server and my issue is that EWG trys to overwrite what the other generators are doing. This is technically asking for a feature but in my circumstance its a big issue for me.

### Thanks for your time :) ###

Comments (4)

  1. minelazz

    Go to the config file to the plugin (located in the plugin folder)

    Set worldsWithDefaultWG to something like this;

    "worldsWithDefaultWG": [
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