Duplicating strucures

Issue #315 new
Bitconion created an issue

Version 8.0.0-pre-release-3

Spigot user: Bitconion

Issue: Since last update there have been some duplicated structures, some builds made by users are duplicated like the one in the picture (attached).

P.S. No one in that server has acces to world edit commands, not even staff or admins.

world settings: https://pastebin.com/vw8xnfmP

Biome settings (attached files)

Comments (2)

  1. minelazz

    Hey Bitconion! Do you have any custom settings or custom biomes? Is the world pre-generated? Is it any more information you think can be helpfull for us to understand why the issue occurred.

  2. Bitconion reporter

    I made a world with no ores, no dungeons and no mineshatft but none of my settings worked properly. There are still generating Ores, dungeons and mineshafts. All my config is in the .zip file

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