Player-placed leaves decaying

Issue #323 on hold
Café Stifflered created an issue

Plugin version: 8.0 Pre-Release 3

Spigot username: anotherstiffler


This issue is fairly important to my server as the gameplay is focused around players growing massive trees.

I did start a thread for this in the Spigot forums and was told that EWG would probably be the culprit. I'm going to copy some of the text from that thread over here.

Basically, as you know, player placed leaves shouldn't decay. When my players first place their leaves, F3 shows check_decay and decayable are set to "false". After a short amount of time, check_decay changes to "true" on some of them randomly, which I think is how it's supposed to work.

When a player places a wood block near those leaves, though, and then breaks that block, the surrounding leaves all change decayable to "true", and then they slowly start decaying. This happens with OP'd players as well.

Link to settings file:

Link to error log/crash log: no error related to this

Comments (2)

  1. minelazz

    This is basically how the plugin is able to have custom trees, by removing this feature, EWG generated trees will not decay. We might find a workaround.

  2. Café Stifflered reporter

    Ah, that makes sense. You're not really generating trees as much as you're placing tree structures within a region.

    What I've done in the meantime is told players not to place any logs near leaves if they plan on breaking them. That works since we only have 25 players right now, but when we open to the public that might turn into a regular issue. I can try to find a way to communicate this to the players in the tutorial area for our custom plugin.

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