EWG - unable to edit/disable certain Biomes

Issue #371 new
Horstroad created an issue

Plugin version: EpicWorldGenerator [1.8.8-1.12.2] 8.0.0-PRE-RELEASE-5

Spigot username: Horstroad

Issue: I want to generate a world without ores or generated structures, so I edited all the default biomes to not generate ores and structures. This works fine, except for four biomes. Jungle Edge, Mega Spruce Taiga, Savanna and Swampland. They all have this in common:

"terrainSettings": { "subTerrains": [ { "provider": "MINECRAFT"

As I wasn't able to alter their generation, I tried to disable them. They are ugly anyways. I set "enabled": to false. Didn't work. I deleted them. EWG regenerated the *.json files. I put them in the "biomeType": ISLANDS, which is disabled. Didn't work. I copied the whole config file contents from a different biome and overwrote the four rogue biomes. Didn't work. I put them in the custom directory and edited them there. Didn't do anything.

EWG just keeps generating these four biomes without regards to anything I try to do.

It works for all the other biomes I've edited... just not for these four.

Link to settings file (world-settings.json, possibly also biome settings if you have created your own): Pasting the biome settings here is kind of pointless, as Swampland.json is basically a copy of Swamp.json, for example, which doesn't seem to bother EWG at all... but here is what I tried initially:



Link to error log/crash log: startup log... no errors as far as I can see: https://pastebin.com/qZp5LxBQ

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