Custom settings and biomes not working

Issue #384 new
Boxic created an issue

Howdy! I just bought this today, and after some fun with the default worlds. I started doing what I bought this to do.

Spigot: 1.13

EWG: Latest version - pre-release 5

Problem: I can't seem to make a world generate with custom settings

Every time I make a world, I make a settings folder, then I paste in my custom world settings file. Then I make the biomes folders and drop my custom biome into the custom folder. Then I start up my server and type /mv import <world name>. Every time, without fail. It wipes my custom settings, and generates a normal EWG world, with all the default biomes.

How do I fix this, or work around this? I'm very eager to test my custom biome, but the only option I see now is to make a new world, then edit a default biome with my own settings, then TP to new chunks to see if it generates. Ugh, I'm so frustrated.

Anyways, I'd appreciate some help, as I couldn't find anything on the wiki, or anywhere else online!


Box Mount.json

Comments (8)

  1. Civil Alloy

    Have you tried using the web editor? That's the only way I've been able to create new worlds with custom settings.

  2. Civil Alloy

    Looks like your Box Mount.json has a lot of comments. I believe in EWG you're meant to remove those. For some reason your world-settings.json is not loading for me, if that has comments you may want to remove them from there too. When you use the web editor and it crashes your server, is there an error message? Have you tried removing all plugins other than multiverse and EWG?

  3. Boxic reporter

    It would drop me as a player, not crash the actual server, my bad. And yeah, I only had multiverse and EWG installed on 1.13

  4. Civil Alloy

    That happens to me sometimes. Either multiverse or EWG (probably both) gets preoccupied generating the new world and you time out. Have you tried rejoining the server afterwards?

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