Crash serveur add new biome

Issue #387 new
Lefevre Renaud created an issue


I download new biome on

and when i add the files in the folder world/settings/biomes/custom

and I have a crash...

Comments (2)

  1. Civil Alloy

    This is not a bug with EWG. It appears to be an outdated or just poorly written JSON file. You'd have to ask the creator of that biome to update/rewrite it, or fix the JSON formatting yourself. It's not terribly difficult to do, I did just that with two older biomes earlier this week. Just use the web editor (/ewg edit) and open MUTATED_MESA_ROCK_2.json in a good IDE (I use Brackets). Create a new biome in the web editor, and use the MUTATED_MESA_ROCK_2.json file to fill out the fields in the web editor.

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