EWG Bug - Sapplings disappears

Issue #395 new
Tazkee MCC created an issue

Hi! Here is some information about the problem: VIDEO (Sorry for the bad quality): Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEFhvTAn_c0 Pastebin with logs: Link: https://pastebin.com/Zs1NDrKU

The problem is: When i put a sappling in the normal world (called world, the unique world that uses the plugin in my server) and y try to grow up a tree using bone meal the sappling dont grow and just disappears. Im using the 1.13 version o Spigot and the report info. and plugins screenshot is here: Link: https://subefotos.com/ver/?3e3721baf867478a3477f8d9e0c9a0eeo.png#codigos

Sorry if my english is bad, im spanish native :). Waiting for your response

Comments (11)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    ¡Hola! ¿Me puedes mostrar tus archivos de configuración del mundo? ¿También tus archivos de configuración para el complemento?

  2. Timothy Smiley

    i'm having the exact same problem. I tried changing the tree generation type back to vanilla but nothing seems to work

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    English: Try it with the new version of EWG, maybe it will work then?

    Español: Pruébalo con la nueva versión de EWG, ¿quizás funcione entonces?

  4. Timothy Smiley

    I got saplings to work by deleting the custom trees and setting the growth to vanilla. This works for me because the big trees are impractical anyway at least until the tree felling plugin is up and running in 1.13.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    @timbotiminator @Foxxite @DovahKaal Can you all send me a list of your plugins? I think this is not just caused by EWG... If you want you can Discord me: Camadillo#0325

    @Tazkee ¿Me puede enviar una lista de sus plugins? Creo que esto no es solo causado por EWG... Si quieres puedes Discord me: Camadillo#0325

  6. DovahKaal

    So I found a temporary fix. [world_name] < world-settings.json Change this line to "false" "overrideSaplings": false, This will at least allow saplings to grow into vanilla trees.

  7. alexandre dupierris

    Hi ! i don't know if it's the same problem : there are a lot and a lot of sticks around my worlds... I think there are Dead shrubs that are generated where thease can't be....

    What can i do please ? I realy want to have custom trees... Is it possible to don't have that sticks everywhere ?

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