Generation from image does not appear to work at all.

Issue #404 new
Totemo Chosa created an issue

Plugin version: 8.0.0-pre5

Server version: Spigot 1.13-b1807

Spigot username: totemo


  • I have EpicWorldGenerator configured to generate world.
  • I am not running Multiverse.
  • I have a 6000x6000 map.png file in world/settings/map.png. The image assumes 1 pixel per block of generated terrain. (In attached tarball.)
  • Biome configs are EWG default except that the biomeColors have been modified so that each biome has only one colour, and they are visually distinct so that we can paint with them. (These configs are also in the attached tarball.)
  • The biomeColors are as depicted here:
  • On startup, EWG says:
[EpicWorldGenerator] [DEBUG] Map will be generated from image: /home/minecraft/servers/ewg/./world/settings/map.png
  • However, although the generated terrain was definitely made by EWG, it does not in any way resemble map.png.
  • I have marked this bug as blocker. Generation from image is crucial functionality and was a significant factor in my purchase.

I formerly marked this bug minor, as it was about the non-distinct biomeColor values. I am now repurposing it for all of my generate-from-image woes.

Original Issue (still requires your response):

The biomeColors entries in default 8.0.0-pre5 biome configurations don't make sense to me and would seem to have several problems:

  • Several distinct ocean biomes have the same colour. The documentation states that, when given a map image, EWG generates the biome with the closest biomeColor to a given pixel. If the colours are the same, then I can't control what is generated, and I wonder whether the plugin gives a sensible mix of ocean biomes in this situation or not. (You tell me.)

  • There seem to be an absurd number of colours for the Snowy Pine biome (7) and for Desert (4). I wonder if the extra colours serve some concrete purpose (you tell me), or if it is merely an opportunity for confusion. One of the Snowy Pine colours is very close to that of Desert.

  • Dark forest and Mega Spruce Taiga are the same colour as well.

  • The biomeColors entry for Jungle Edge is missing the preceding # character.

  • Finally, although not specifically about the configurations: the documentation is silent on how EWG maps image pixels to map area. My best guess is 1 block per pixel (I'm about to test), but other mappings would certainly be possible. This needs to be spelled out in the documentation.

Moving forward, I will be removing duplicates in my biomeColors and testing generation. This bug is for the sake of other people who may take the configurations on good faith.

Finally, I've written a Python script to generate colour swathes for all biomes: The attached image is the output from the current default configurations.

Link to settings file: See attached tarball.

Link to error log/crash log: See attached tarball.

Comments (7)

  1. Totemo Chosa reporter

    I found the /ewg createworld name command - I think it was mentioned in the bug list - and generated a world map world which apparently does work somewhat. I noticed that that image is 8-bit colormap, so I converted my input map.png to indexed colours. Generation from map image was still unsuccessful.

    I tried using the map of the earth map.png in place of my own and that also did not work.

    As part of my testing, I switched from non-Multiverse to with-Multiverse installation style. With the server stopped, I added:

      "forceBukkitGeneratorAPI": true

    to plugins/EpicWorldGenerator/settings.json (yes, it was syntactically correct JSON). After the server had started, that setting was no longer present in settings.json.

  2. Richard Park

    Hi Totemo Chosa,

    Did you succeed in filling the EWG map created from the image? I tried generate the map from map.png, It succeed. While filling a map created from an image, an out of bound error is printed to the console and the server stopped.

    I want to know how you solved this problem. (please tell me) I want to fill the world to complete the dynmap.

  3. Totemo Chosa reporter

    Hi @gojbpark I have not had any success. As indicated above, I have tried various variations on the format of the map.png image, to no avail.

    I'd be curious to know what is different about your image that allowed you to have some limited success.

  4. Richard Park

    Hi, @totemo

    In my case, I have a success to create from map.png but, fail pre-generate the map. By the way, my map.png got from existed minecraft 1.12 map using the journeymap tool.

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