Issue with EWG

Issue #472 new
deflated created an issue

Spigot username: Deflated

Issue: I've used a "test" world in which the world-settings.json has lava oceans enabled. On the latter screenshot, you can see, on the right side, the way Paper generated an ocean biome - on the left side, how Spigot continued to generate it. This could also be a Paper bug, however it's hard to tell whether perhaps EWG didn't hook up correctly or has to use the Paper API in a different way. It is mention worthy that in general, the map gets generated with the EWG generator. The issue comes when customizing the worlds, as on Paper, the plugin simply ignores the settings. On a more urgent note, the biome probability settings do not work at all. Lava oceans do get generated on Spigot if specified in the world-settings.json, however settings like the biome probability seem to be blatantly ignored. Is there any ETA on the 8.1 coming out or anywhere I could get a dev build? Thanks for the support! :)

P.S. /mvgens returns "No Generator Plugins found."

Link to settings file (world-settings.json, possibly also biome settings if you have created your own):

Link to error log/crash log:

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