Epic world generator major problems. Wont start

Issue #474 new
Gauss Craft created an issue

Plugin version: 8.0.2

Spigot username: Annie_Boo

Issue: Hi, my problem is that I dont know how to create a new world generated with the 30 biomes. I followed the steps in the EWG spigot website. Im getting errors with multiverse and with EWG. The creation of the world with Multiverse core fails. Could you please give me a detailed list with the steps to create a new world with the 30 biomes generated please?

Also, the link you sent me to the multiverse plugin, https://ci.onarandombox.com/job/Multiverse-Core/ There are three different .jar files. Which one/ones should I get please? I tried researching but I cant find any info.

Please see the error i get when creating a new world... https://pastebin.com/Mhu46PrB

Link to settings file (world-settings.json, possibly also biome settings if you have created your own): default config

Link to error log/crash log: https://pastebin.com/Mhu46PrB

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