Heatpack crash

Issue #475 new
Mirko Gysin created an issue

helo my frends I need Help! sooo if i create a Heatpack World, it gets created but after flying around, the Server crashes after thath every time joining the server crash again. The Server is on the Version 1.13.2, EWG 8.02.


thank's for any help ;)

Comments (1)

  1. Trevor Parry


    Just wondering how far out you flew. I noticed once I got to about 2400 blocks in any direction the server crashed. I found this ("worldSizeX": 2400,"worldSizeY": 2400,) in the world-settings.json file but it can't be changed. You can change it but it gets reset.

    Remove your playerdata file and see if that works.

    If that's the problem the developers can fix it.


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