READ THIS TO FIX CORRUPTION (1.14 and 1.14.X only sry)

Issue #510 new
Former user created an issue

backup your current /world since it will be overwritten, you can rename it later or rename the generated one later and put it back
in. If you have other worlds, back those up and then delete them from the server (look at end for details.)*** ALSO, i have not
tested this on versions below 1.14 sorry, i don't know if it will work or not. (KEEP IN MIND THIS ONLY HAS A BIT OF CORRUPTION AT THE AREA YOU SPAWN, IT IS NOT A COMPLETE FIX BUT MAKES IT SO THE REST OF THE WORLD IS NOT CORRUPT. LEAF DECAYING, MOB SPAWNING, AND OTHER STUFF STILL WORKS!!! Slashes mean code start and end code blocks seem to crash my webpage) Here are the steps:

  1. Go into your /plugins and backup and delete everything there
  2. Then, put EWG in there and start your server, once it's done stop the server and and we'll edit some files (your current worlds were overwritten here but you should've backuped and deleted them like it told you at the beginning, so only /world was overwritten)
  3. Go into /plugins/EpicWorldGenerator and you'll find a settings.json. Open it and set this:
    "controlWaterFlow": false
  4. Save that configuration and then go to /world/settings, there you will find world-settings.json, open it and delete what's currently there and set it to this:
    "pluginVersion": "8.0.0",
    "useLavaOceans": false,
    "useFastOres": false,
    "useVanillaOreAlgorithm": true,
    "useOpenSimplexNoise": false,
    "useFastRandomAlgorithm": false,
    "roughFading": false,
    "useNetherRoof": false,
    "flatBedrock": false,
    "seaLevel": 62,
    "bedrockLevel": 1,
    "transitionModifier": 0,
    "maxCaveHeight": 120,
    "minCaveHeight": 8,
    "mapScale": 1.0,
    "oceanModifier": 1.0,
    "globalTreeModifier": 1.0,
    "mineshaftChance": 0.1,
    "biomeTypeSize": 1400.0,
    "oceanSize": 900.0,
    "biomeSize": 500.0,
    "worldSizeX": -1,
    "orgWorldSizeY": -1,
    "orgWorldSizeX": -1,
    "worldSizeY": -1,
    "worldCenterX": 0,
    "worldCenterZ": 0,
    "flatAreas": [
    "radius": 80,
    "xLocation": 0,
    "zLocation": 0,
    "baseLevel": 70,
    "outerRadius": 40
    "biomeTypes": {
    "DESERT": {
    "enabled": true,
    "percentage": -1.0
    "AQUATIC": {
    "enabled": true,
    "percentage": -1.0
    "ISLANDS": {
    "enabled": true,
    "percentage": -1.0
    "GRASSLAND": {
    "enabled": true,
    "percentage": -1.0
    "FOREST": {
    "enabled": true,
    "percentage": -1.0
    "TUNDRA": {
    "enabled": true,
    "percentage": -1.0
    "overrideSaplings": true,
    "saplingTreeMap": {
    "TREE": [
    "REDWOOD": [
    "BIRCH": [
    "JUNGLE": [
    "TALL_BIRCH": [
  5. once you've done that save the file and then start your server. Once it's done join in and you should see corrupted stuff, don't worry, i just needed your character to load in the terrain (go into creative and fly around a bit if you want)
  6. then leave the server and stop it
  7. go to /world/region and delete EVERYTHING
  8. start your server and enjoy the fixed world! (you might see some corruption when you spawn in, but that is the only corruption that should be there. check around the world and see if there are other corrupted chunks. If so, leave a comment saying so, i'm willing to help people.)
  9. ENJOY! I remind you this might not work and it could be just for me, i tried it twice though and it worked both times. I hope it works for you too :) (leave a comment if it doesn't)

***If you rename the generated one and put your original world back in, you will want to go to
/plugins/EpicWorldGenerator/Settings.json, and under
put "world." If your keeping the generated one as "world" and renaming the original /world, you will want to put the name you
renamed it to under
If you have other worlds that you backed up as well (I told you to at the beginning) then put them back into the server and put the names under

as well. EXAMPLE:

"worldsWithDefaultWG": [
Do not forget when adding multiple worlds to put a comma after each one, you don't have the put it at the end one though
(look above)

bye bye

My Spigot Name: TheColdEmerald

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