STONE:6 or Polished Andesite breaks the plugin.

Issue #84 resolved
Nutiler created an issue

Strange error when generating chunks with STONE:6, I've narrowed it down to this and I'm getting this error, then it unloads the plugin and stops.

Description: Failed to feed the chunk with the generated blocks. Block{minecraft:stone}

The configs I'm using are default except for ground blocks in Birch Biome.

#!"groundBlocks": [ [ [ { "type": "STONE", "data": 0, "inclinationsConditions": [] }, 0.5 ], [ { "type": "STONE", "data": 5, "inclinationsConditions": [] }, 0.25 ], [ { "type": "STONE", "data": 6, "inclinationsConditions": [] }, 0.25 ] ] ],

    "groundBlocks": [
            "type": "STONE",
            "data": 0,
            "inclinationsConditions": []
            "type": "STONE",
            "data": 5,
            "inclinationsConditions": []
            "type": "STONE",
            "data": 6,
            "inclinationsConditions": []

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