Can't progress after barrier on top of the mountain

Issue #29 resolved
Nolan Lee created an issue

Hi, first off I'd like to say that I really enjoy the game so far. I played a few hours of the old Gaia's Melody and I have to say this is a very faithful recreation of that game except with a lot of improvements. Unfortunately, I encountered a game breaking issue after Kachie tries to break the barrier on top of the mountain. When going back to Majikk, I walk up to Miki and Niki and I become stuck (music, animations, and sound effects play normally). I attached a screenshot. From my knowledge of RPGMaker it reminds me of when an autorun event isn't ended properly. I don't remember doing anything unusual except maybe using the teleporting item to get back to the town from inside the cave with the MONkey. I will keep testing out things to see if it gets fixed, and if not I'll probably just start over. I hope this helps.

Comments (3)

  1. Salia Nifo

    Would you be able to attach your save file? You can click on the More button to the right and click Attach Files.

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