I am locked in that Building in Majikk town

Issue #33 closed
Alikarin created an issue

I fell down into a Majikk town building. Found the twins key, but no key to get out of the building. I spammed the interact button all over the place, but to no avail. I am stuck. I guess I will have to reload and not go there for now.

Comments (6)

  1. Alikarin reporter

    Nevermind, looked at the bug reports of other people...though...You should really have somewhere that mechanic is explained, because I am almost certain I didn't see it explained elsewhere, but nevermind just annoyed that I wasted so much of my time on a non-glitch.

  2. Alikarin reporter

    I must have missed it. I only visited him once and don't remember him telling me. I am sorry for wasting your time.

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