cannot load some maps on ext4 filesystems

Issue #34 resolved
Li created an issue

unlike NTFS ext4 filesystems are case insensitive meaning that a file named "Waterfall_0.png" would be different to a file named "waterfall_0.png" your game is looking for a file named "waterfall_0.png" but the file is called "Waterfall_0.png" this causes the game to throw a cannot find file error. i can fix this by reanaming the file, play for a bit longer only to find the same error somewhere else.

Comments (8)

  1. Salia Nifo

    From what we can tell this seems to only apply to the files in the charparticles folder. Have you gotten any files not found for any locations? We'll have an update soon for the ones we've found so far. Unfortunately we don't have any Linux computers sitting around to test on, and finding these files is not very intuitive on Windows.

  2. Salia Nifo

    Extract these files to the data folder to implement the update. Don't forget to change the image filenames back if you renamed them.

  3. Li reporter

    Seems to work so far.. thanks ^_^ most devs wouldnt even bother fixing a bug like this because it effects very few people on a platform the game isn't even meant to run on. so thanks :)

    i only ended up renaming 2 files both in the charparticles folder and then i figured id probably be doing it too much...

  4. Salia Nifo

    If you do happen to come across any others, just reopen this issue/comment on it again, and we'll look into it. There shouldn't be anymore, as most images are selected in the RPG Maker editor, but some of the plugins you have to type the filenames manually.

  5. Li reporter
    • changed status to open

    Found another one: Failed to load /img/sv_actors/KariGMTest1.png, the file is called "KariGMtest1.png"
    after renaming the file i was able to progress and then ran into:
    Failed to load: img/sv_actors/Template50Per.png the file is called "Template50per.png"

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