Rock sound issue in Arber Cave (and possibly other places too)

Issue #37 resolved
Fiore created an issue

This isn't a real major issue, but pushing the movable rocks (and, I would assume, other movable objects that make sound) against a wall, and continuing to push, makes really loud constant sounds. I had this exact issue in my RPG Maker MV project as well; the plugin I used to fix it is attached (or found at Simply make a conditional branch with the script line "[is player front clear at distance 2]" and put the pushing and sound-y bits of the objects' events inside it. This prevents the pushable object from doing its push events if there's a wall in the spot the pushable thingy would move into.

Comments (2)

  1. Salia Nifo

    Echo is aware of the problem, but putting more scripts in the game at this point would be hazardous, but we'll keep it in mind for the next game.

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