Certain settings always "default" on their own

Issue #50 resolved
foobar created an issue

Version 1.4.022 (latest probably)

  1. Open the game
  2. On title screen, go to Options
  3. Under GAMEPLAY SETTINGS/Miscellaneous , the following settings - SaveState, AutoSave, Text Notices - should be ON
  4. Switch SaveState, AutoSave, Text Notices to OFF (Optionally, switch AutoRun, Memorize Commands to their relative opposite values: OFF to ON, ON to OFF)
  5. Exit the options menu
  6. Exit the game
  7. (Re)Open the game
  8. On title screen, go to Options
  9. Under GAMEPLAY SETTINGS/Miscellaneous , the following settings - SaveState, AutoSave, Text Notices - will have reverted to ON willy-nilly (While AutoRun, Memorize Commands will remember their changes)

Some other settings that also “default” or behave oddly:

  • GAME PERFORMANCE/Screen/Render Method : if changed to Pixelate, the text value will still be Pixelate on restart, however the render method will appear to have reverted to Smooth visually
  • MESSAGE WINDOW SETTINGS/Window Style/WindowSkins : the text value and its effect may also not match. For instance, on title screen, the actual effect is always Default but the text value could be Dark, and upon loading a save, the actual effect is Comic (like when it was saved) but the text value could still be Dark
  • MESSAGE WINDOW SETTINGS/Window Colour/Window Tone: Red, Window Tone: Green, Window Tone: Blue : always revert to 0 on title screen but this is probably inconsequential as they don’t affect anything on title screen

On another note, save files seem to record settings like WindowSkins, Window Tone: Red, Window Tone: Green, Window Tone: Blue but not SaveState, AutoSave, Text Notices and the rest. Perhaps this is how it’s intended to work?

Comments (4)

  1. Echo607 repo owner

    Thanks so much for going the step further and listing the ones that are affected, I appreciate it! I’ll fix those right up and update next chance I get. Thanks for reporting :)

  2. Echo607 repo owner

    Update will be live shortly. The listed settings should now properly trigger and display correctly upon loading a save file.
    If anything still behaves oddly, let me know
    Thanks again for reporting ^_^

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