Optimize Turn Times

Issue #282 new
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue

Players love the new challenge the AI has. But as you already knew, if the AI played more like the player, the turn times would suffer. Oh well. Do what you can to improve performance.

Good Luck.

(Note, might be a multi-version ticket, I'm sure there is save game changes you could make...)

Comments (27)

  1. Eric B Jones reporter

    Did monthly history and some processsales.

    Do some left/inner joins and insert select's on reports and playerhistory stuff. And process player shipping. Districting/Sales is especially laggy.

  2. Eric B Jones reporter

    Finished FactoryCleanup(), generateHTMLSalesReport(), and first half of generateHTMLCitySalesReport(). Need to do second half like you did generateHTMLSalesReport city's stuff.

  3. Eric B Jones reporter

    generateHTMLCitySalesReport(), generateHTMLExpenseReport(), [95], and [39] completed.

  4. Eric B Jones reporter

    RetrieveTurn(), RetrieveYear(), and change max ID system completed. Done most of [32] except for the AI. AiController() done, up to AIBuildBranch done, Half of WhereToBuildCompleted.

  5. Eric B Jones reporter

    Knocked out Possibles Sales from the buyer's calculation system and moved it into a hash. ~10% speed gains. Will look into stock calculations when working on those systems.

  6. Eric B Jones reporter

    A bug in vs2005's optimization compiler hurt our 3 day optimization plans. 5% gains reducing etprocesmarket's cardistro query and moving some hashes out of the big loop.

    Look to see if we can move city hash into branch loop. And then consider making the structs in structs (out of the big loop) use pointers. Reducing memory copying...

  7. Eric B Jones reporter

    Half of etProcessShippingToBranches is done. The stuff inside sortedShippingList could be optimized (reduce updates) for a few percent gains.

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