Add Pages for 50 List Items or more.

Issue #289 resolved
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue

Check out 32eee for optimization of mega menu with over 150+ models.

Comments (14)

  1. Eric B Jones reporter

    Change Lists over 50 long into pages. This includes the Model Compare, Marque List, Factory, Branch, view parts, etc lists.

    Huge Undertaking. But it needs to be done.

  2. Eric B Jones reporter

    Showroom complete. MegaMenu Factory and Branch complete.

    Next round complete WorldMap, and complete MegaMenu.

  3. Eric B Jones reporter

    Did WorldMap Factory and Branch normal and district.

    Complete WorldMap then do Office.

  4. Eric B Jones reporter

    World Map, no additional work. Office mega menu complete. I don't believe anything else in the office needs pages.

    Work on RnD next.

  5. Eric B Jones reporter

    Component Selection lists, mod components lists, and mod vehicle list have been completed. Move the rest of the list after modify to v1.23.2.

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