IPO Exploit

Issue #303 resolved
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue

Check to see if this is still valid, if so, fix it: http://steamcommunity.com/app/285110/discussions/0/1353742967812550678/?ctp=7#c1620599015879217421

i think i found a mistake within the IPO system.

You IPO and immediately get the money from said IPO added to your cash. Then buy back all your shares up to 100% which lowers your cash immediately. END TURN The same amount of money (like from the IPO) is added to your cash again.

Repeat forever for profits. It's 1903 - i started with 25.000$ - did nothing else but this and have 32.621.865$ in cash now :)

1905 - 14.264.895.488$ ... i'm fine.

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