GUI Cleanups

Issue #372 resolved
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue
  1. Fix Close Buttons Sizes
  2. Titles in all Windows!
  3. Mega Menu vehicle selection list clipped if company name, car name, and trim is too long.
  4. Side panel needs horizontal scroll in R&D lists.
  5. Lists and Comboboxes's slider percentages need to be dynamic based on size of list.
  6. Newspaper Stock numbers Integers instead of 2 precision reals.
  7. Add fuel types to various view engine/vehicle panels. (Specially licensing/outsourcing)
  8. Add Auto-Marketing info to Mega Menu Auto Help Button
  9. Licensing List Needs to Refresh after assigning sales.
  10. World Map competition charts are showing revenues instead of sales.
  11. Showroom graph buttons not working
  13. Center window titles
  14. Standardize Window Title Heights
  16. Big Font Overlaps
  17. Get rid of decimals in charts
  18. Look into digit grouping with charts.js

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