GUI Issues Round #3

Issue #414 resolved
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue
  1. New Game Map Selection Map Author Wrap LF
  2. End Turn Values warp when using LF and 12 digit data.
  3. Vehicle Assisted Designer Engine Select Single Cylinder Overlap
  4. Used Cars in competition list not aligned.
  5. City Hover Information needs commas.
  6. Modify Vehicle New Gen, End Production, scrap checkbox overwrap LF Linux.
  7. Refit Panel Lots of wrap LF Linux.
  8. Resizing Mega Menu causes branch up and down arrows to not stay in place, check world map too.
  9. Chassis selection list not using unit convert type,
  10. View Prototype Gearbox wrap LF.
  11. Prototype Engine Selection List Wrap
  12. Add Text Lobbying effect value in window
  13. Check if Missing sales are in the simple report, if not add them.
  14. Assign Contract, MM, assigned unit overlap
  15. New Marque button over top of discontinued check list. LF windows Couldn't find this one...
  16. Top scrollbar in the bank window is always present, even when the window is wide enough for it to be useless.
  17. Banking Window Not resizing all the way.
  18. Move Line of Credit Apply Button beside "Payoff Balance" button.
  19. Mouse raycast are going through Cities Info window.
  20. Bad Marketing Window Resize Anchors
  21. Marketing amounts high values text wrap.
  22. RnD Component selection resize anchors.
  23. Lobbying Header Image has misspelling (Thought you fixed it? Nope, one always sneaks in.)
  24. Negative Line of Credit fee with large funds (equity? revenues?).
  25. Bank interest showing 0% on Base City Map.

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