Possible Not Getting Paid for Contracted Reserve Vehicles.

Issue #47 on hold
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue

Player may not be getting paid for contracted reserve vehicles. Also the game nags about production even if there is excess inventory for contracts:

~Lost some of the convo~ Eric.B: Hello Oskar. Eric.B: Are you sure you have to produce the vehicles to ship your excess inventory? I don't believe the code works that way. But I will double check to make sure. Yes, you might get a warning if you're not producing it. But if you do not produce, it should still ship from inventory. Eric.B: If you have extra inventory of a vehicle, it will ship the extra vehicles to the contract, thus fulfilling the contracted obligations. Oskar: Thank you for the answer :) Yes, that sometimes seem to be the case (that the excess inventory will ship regardless of me producing it or not), but it doesnt always happen. And sometimes when i have for example 10k cars in inventory, and get a contract for 8k. The 8k cars will dissapear, but i see no income of this sale on the income statement the next month. This only happens sometimes though, and is hard to reproduce. So either its just me not paying close enough attention, or maybe a bug. But thank you for looking into it regardless. Have a nice day! :)

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