Outsourced Terminated Contract possible issue in default build.

Issue #730 resolved
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue

Email 5/9/19 12:02


“i canceled all the contracts. but every month i'm still losing 4 million under the "outsourced units" line in the monthly expense report. i'm still paying for hundreds of cars that i'm not receiving.

i stopped selling them at all my branches, terminated all contracts and scrapped all inventories but i'm still paying for them even though i'm not buying them anymore! when i go to the expense summary it shows all my expenses except the outsourced cars. it just says my expenses are 400k per month, but in the monthly report my expenses are over 4 million.

and every month my cash goes down by over 4 million. it's like i have some phantom supplier sucking all my money into a black hole without giving me any vehicles! is this a bug or am i missing sokmething?”

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