Stand Alone Car Designer issue.

Issue #772 resolved
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue

Loading a vehicle, editing, then saving will not use the proper combobox, thus resulting in the new saved vehicle not being listed under the proper vehicle type.

Quotes from email:

“I figured out the saving of bodies deal, turns out if you don't double check the body style at the top it will save a pickup truck for example under lets say a sedan. Just started to play with it.”

“I think as I was flipping through the different vehicle types I loaded one of my half ton truck designs, enlarged it for 1 ton, then saved it. I didn't notice that the vehicle type selection was still on a car model not the truck. I will do some quick testing today to see if I can load up a truck body as a car.”

email, 7/4/19 12:34.

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