Expanded Factory system

Issue #874 on hold
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue

Advanced Game Option.

  • Remove concept of production lines and replace with models slots. (Not including trims.)
  • Factories can produce X number of units per slot based on manu req.
  • Have players define which vehicles are made at what factories.
  • Tooling for a model takes time and money.
  • Players can limit production, but can’t increase production beyond the max without tooling more lines.
  • Limiting production hurts morale.
  • No Auto Production.
  • Players can define exact factory to ship from.
  • Optional: Require production of engines, chassis, and gearboxes with the same system.

Comments (4)

  1. Ryan Ussery


    I think the factory system rework is a great idea, but I think taking auto production away would be a big hindrance to late game management. It would be even more so if production of engines, gearboxes, chassis are required as well. I have found in 125+ hours that I prefer using auto-produce most of the time if my goal is scale as opposed to a small boutique auto manufacturer and once I have a acquired a couple of other companies and their models, it becomes a major chore to manually manage production on top of everything else. I love these proposed changes, but I think having the option to auto-produce is too important to lose.



  2. Eric B Jones reporter


    Thanks for the comments.

    Everything in the expansion is subject to crowd funding. How I envision it, I will bring up a few of these tickets at each milestone, we will discuss what will be done, and how I should do it, and then let contributes vote on which tickets I do for the funding milestone.

    That way we get a fairly good consensus of the direction we should go, based on community feedback. Of course, I get the final say in the matter.

    In any event, how I see this “Hardcore” factory mode, is you enter a production value per month. Say 1000 engines per month. It takes 4 months to tool your factory to produce those engines. In that time, you produce next to 0 engines. If you want to increase production, You enter the new value, and it takes a few more months for those lines to come online. If you want to change to another engine, you’re looking at 3 month wait, or if you want to chassis, it’ll take you 8 months before you produce anything. The same thing would happen for all types of production.

    You can always produce less units, but all of the lines are still taken as if at maximum production. And employees are idle.

    With this sort of ramp up time, there is no just-in-time production which the current auto-production system is used for. There is always inventory, and you have to really plan ahead. It’s significantly more realistic in that respect.

    So with this, I don’t see how a full AI control, no inventory, auto-production system can work in a system in which the player has to plan factory setups and production amounts 10 months out. The game can’t tell in advance what you’re doing that far ahead.

    A limited helper system would probably be implemented, such as having the system automatically suspend or reduce production if too much inventory is generated. But no matter what, if you enabled this option, you’ll have to have some interaction with the production system.

    All of that being said, this is an optional feature. It won’t replace the current production system unless you enable it. Some aspects of it may be back ported to the easier current system. Such as the need to produce chassis, engines, and gearboxes. Although that would have to be another ticket.

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