Additional foolproofing for tutorials.

Issue #893 resolved
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue
  • Players can click “Advanced” designer buttons when Assisted is glowing. Don’t let them.
  • If players try to close vehicle designer window, or exit RnD without a vehicle made, stop them if they’re at that part of the tutorial. Reset the tutorial to the design vehicle stage.
  • Finished button in Predesigned Body Selection does not glow.
  • Make premade list glow.
  • Don’t let premade select button work if nothing is selected.
  • Disable letting players use Custom body design or Modify predesigned. We’ll move the audio files to a new tutorial…
  • If the player designs an unusable component combination, reset the tutorial.
  • Door, Clock, and Globe highlight blink.
  • Select-Chassis, make sure the highlights don’t cover.
  • Stop player if they do not set production or vehicle price.
  • Turn off audio playback on exit() functions (should already exist, but seems to still do it in a couple states).
  • Make lists not-unselect-able. If possible, extend to all lists everywhere.
  • Have first premade vehicle automagically selected if no vehicle is selected.
  • Closing windows with current tutorial active still allows overlays to flash, we need to reset the tutorial back when this happens.

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