Do not allow player to end production of a component or vehicle used in contracts.

Issue #927 invalid
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue

If a vehicle or component is being used in a contract, let the player know. And ask them if they are sure they want to end production.

If ending a component and the player wants to end production of vehicles using that component, the order of the prompts should be.

Have this work for replace models too.

End Production of Component,

This component is used in a vehicle under contract. Would you like to end those contracts? (If No, do not allow end production of component.)

This component is used in active vehicle designs. Would you like to end production of these vehicles? (If No, do not allow end production of component.)

This component is used in active contracts.Would you like to end those contracts? (If No, do not allow end production of component.)

This component is used in active racing teams. Would you like to end those teams. (If No, do not allow end production of component.)

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